Here we have pings based on server regions. I get around 50-80 ping with 2000km to server Rainbow Six Siege (RB6) This game is based on a book by Tom Clancy. When the game came out I was connecting from Finland to NEU which is further away than WEU. You might be connecting to wrong data server. You might have some bad routers on the way. #4 Connection to location will usually go trough around 20 different servers. Being able to change it kept him from having to deal with European servers. My friend lives in southern New Jersey and was being forced onto European servers. IE if you're from EU/BR, Stay in the EU/BR. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Service Statu Today imma show you guys how to uhhh change your data center, yeah.rainbow six siege,rainbow six siege tips,rainbow six siege song,rainbow six siege memes. You will see multiple folders if you have played on more than. UbisoftConnectID is a long alphanumeric string unique to your Ubisoft account. Navigate to C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six - Siege\UbisoftConnectID.*Please note that your CurrentUser is the current windows user and UplayID will be a long alphanumeric string representing your Uplay account Selecting data centers manually in Rainbow Six: Siege (PC) To manually select your data center: Navigate to C:\Users\CurrentUser\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six - Siege\UplayID. Here you will see what is going on, and timeframe for resolution you can change your data center to the one closeset to you. All the latest information about our current outages and maintenances on Rainbow Six Siege.