It simply looks for certain memory patterns and performs some math to get to the new memory address after a game update.

I also included an auto-update function (before I abandoned development of the tool), so users could continue to enjoy it after the game is updated and function locations change. With this, you can re-write the set_health() function to always return a high integer for your character's health instead of subtracting damage from it. RTM is used to write the RPC to memory and can also be used to overwrite or modify in-game functions (if you know their locations in memory). RTM, on the other hand, is real-time-modification of the memory on the PS3. the gta 5 mod menu this menu works for ps4/xbox1/360/ps3/pc. This function is RPC (Remote Procedure Calling) that checks for input to tell it which in-game function to execute (such as set_visibility() or set_health()). This tool hooks into in-game functions (that run every frame) and modifies them in memory so that they call a custom function written into empty memory space. This was my first ever C# project (created ~2014), so please excuse the messy / ugly code.