so you had to stop them.Īfter further study of the Underground basement my girlfriend noticed a set of CCTV's and camera's on the house in question. and the dead body isn't you who sadly died to a zombie but some one who found out the truth.

Unless of course you weren't burying a loved one, but a child. why is there a freshly dug grave at the very back of a graveyard? who does this corpse beside the wheelbarrow belong to? Surely come zombie Apocalypse time your primary focus wouldn't be burrying your dead would it? with reports of massive infection and people dying on the streets why bury your loved one in an unmarked grave at the back of a graveyard having left the wheelbarrow and shovel there? Now Despite what we the player perceive to be the front of the graveyard where you enter from Main street via explosions this is in fact the back of the graveyard. Update: So my genius girlfriend had some more study into Toxteth and began considering a few more things. was it just a survivalist that lived in the house or perhaps a Child Kidnapper who abandoned the house with the child?

Further more the first half of the basement has a tonne of shelves all picked clean suggesting the original house owner could not bring any more supplies than that of the first half of the basement. the password required to enter the basement room is the phone number of the missing child.

With so much gear makes you wonder, how could the original survivor of the house abandon it if he's so kitted out? well here's the thing. Said room is fully kitted out with an Army's worth of supplies inside. so what's with the house in toxteth? See this childs poster can be found in the house in toxteth with the super rare secret door to a basement room. these are seen just about everywhere from maps presumed to be america, to the uk. So All across the maps are reports of a missing child with a 1800 number attached to it.